Friday, November 21, 2008

PredetorA,Anita's fabby sketches and Joe Jonas.

Helloooo Commissionerrr!:P

I'm writing a novel!:D

I have showed lot of my friends and got fabby reviews!
I'm gonna submit it for publication when I'm finished.
So what I did was i searched Elgoogle and found publishing agents,
My Dad's getting me one!He rawks!

So here we gooooooo!!!!!!!

"Unleash your inner Predator..."
Caleb Roberts is haunted by his past. Just when he believes everything is back to normal, Sinead Kelly comes into his life, turning it upside down. Drawn to her irresistible charm, good looks and wildness. He is immediately intoxicated with her. But Sinead is guarding a secret so deadly, that if found out could have the power to send the world into a permanent reign of chaos. One night, Caleb sees a side of Sinead which no-one should ever witness in their life. And on that night he is sucked into a world of darkness and despair. As Caleb continues to uncover the truth about Sinead, He realises that Sinead's secret is more sinister than he could ever have imagined....

You likey!?
Anyhoozers,I have my friend Anita drawing up some character sketches.
And they're A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
I'll upload them soon!

I have all my ideal cast chosen out!
Heres a sneaky peek!
Caleb Roberts-Joe Jonas
Sinead Kelly-Sarah Bolger


Le Fin.

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