Sunday, January 4, 2009

Best Friends?Pft!

Have you ever had a best friend, like your best friend in the universe, someone you would take a bullet for, have you ever lost them to someone else?
My best friend L. has a new best friend and she's an absolute bitchy cow.=/
Whenever I try and talk to L, shes hovering in the background.
It's so annoying and upsetting!
Whenever I think about it, it makes me want to cry my eyes out, Scream until my lungs collapse
and just fall to the floor and never get up again.
This is the second time something like this has happened to me with ex best friend C.C.
Now we don't even look at each other let alone talk.=/
So guy's, Moral of the story is value your best friend because you never know when you're going to lose them.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Movie Review: Twilight.

So, there's been a mixed reaction to the twilight movie.
You either, love it or loathe it.
I for one loved it!I thought it was amazing.
The running effects for the vampires was bad I admit but its really hard to do and it was a low budget film.
My favorite scenes were Bella researching the cold ones, the baseball, the makeout scene and the Prom with Victoria.Basically, I loved all of it.
Look out for the symbolism of the cover.
The apple in the hands, representing the forbidden fruit.
Edward picks up the apple(Like on the cover) and Bella takes it.
She has taken the forbidden fruit and there's no going back.

But some things did bother me.First off Kristen Stewart could have been more lively.
The love scenes she did really well but there were alot of scenes were she could have been more animated.
They thing that stood out most?Robert Pattinson.
Yes Ladies and Gentleman, Robert Pattinson was A M A Z I N G!
He brought so much more life into Edward,So many new and exciting sides.I always imagined Edward as very serious and troubled but Rob made him have them but be sarcastic, funny and charming at the same time.
I loved the way he delivered his lines. For example:
"Ignore Rosalie......I do."
That was so funny.Another example:
That was amazing!

I adored the sets aswell!
The baseball scene has to be the highlight of the movie, its shows the human side of the Cullen's not to mention the amazing backing score Supermassive blackhole by Muse!
Another kickass scene is were James is fighting Edward, The break away floor was ingenious!
It was truly a breath taking movie.I suggest everyone tweens and up to watch it.
I'm not only saying this as a twilighter but as a movie lover :)But I suggest you read the book first because it can get a bit confusing if you don't know the story line.

So Check it out.

Twilight, In cinemas nationwide now.

Eyes On Fire By Blue Foundation.

My favourite song on the twilight soundtrack.
Listen now -> :D
Also check out there song 'Enemy' ,its amazing!
But the video's very sad.:(


I'll seek you out
Flay you alive
One more word and you wont survive
And Im not scared
Of your stolen power
I see right through you any hour

I wont soothe your pain
I wont ease your strain
Youll be waiting in vain
I got nothing for you to gain

Im taking it slow
Feeding my flame
Shuffling the cards of your game
And just in time
In the right place
Suddenly I will play my ace

Eyes on fire
Your spine is ablaze
Felling any foe with my gaze
And just in time
In the right place
Steadily emerging with grace...

I have a dream....3/1/09 5:47 PM

What's the story, Morning Glory?

Today a friend and mentor of mine said "Dream's tell the future."
You can't even imagine my excitement at the possibility of my dreams unlocking my future.
Last night, I had a dream I was someplace and lights were flashing all around me.
I couldn't make anything out, but slowly I realized I was on a red carpet, I looked down and I was in a long black dress with strapped high heels.I could feel heavy earrings hanging from my ear lobes and I looked up into the sky and on what looked to be a giant billboard it said:
"Unleash your inner demons..."
On the billboard there was a man around 18 or 19 years old standing in the middle, looking freaked out and crouched down in front of him was a girl with long hair, the color of dark chocolate.Her eyes were a brilliant sapphire color, made of
shards of cracked crystal but the rims of her iris's were turning black.
It was my novel, my novel. Being made into a movie!
I recognized the leading thespians; Sarah Bolger and Joe Jonas.
Journalists were running up the carpet to get an interview with me, it was the most amazing dream.....and as for the movie itself well lets just say it opened more plot ideas then I had originally.Now I have a surefire plot line and its gonna be great!
The mocks are coming up in February, for two weeks!
Lots of study needed for this little homosapien!Hehe.
So, Mr. DMC was right, dreams can and do unlock future,why?
Because when you have a dream and you want it to be true that dream is the driving force needed to make your dream a reality.
*That should win an Oscar for cheesyness!

Until next time,

Saturday, November 22, 2008



Friday, November 21, 2008

PredetorA,Anita's fabby sketches and Joe Jonas.

Helloooo Commissionerrr!:P

I'm writing a novel!:D

I have showed lot of my friends and got fabby reviews!
I'm gonna submit it for publication when I'm finished.
So what I did was i searched Elgoogle and found publishing agents,
My Dad's getting me one!He rawks!

So here we gooooooo!!!!!!!

"Unleash your inner Predator..."
Caleb Roberts is haunted by his past. Just when he believes everything is back to normal, Sinead Kelly comes into his life, turning it upside down. Drawn to her irresistible charm, good looks and wildness. He is immediately intoxicated with her. But Sinead is guarding a secret so deadly, that if found out could have the power to send the world into a permanent reign of chaos. One night, Caleb sees a side of Sinead which no-one should ever witness in their life. And on that night he is sucked into a world of darkness and despair. As Caleb continues to uncover the truth about Sinead, He realises that Sinead's secret is more sinister than he could ever have imagined....

You likey!?
Anyhoozers,I have my friend Anita drawing up some character sketches.
And they're A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
I'll upload them soon!

I have all my ideal cast chosen out!
Heres a sneaky peek!
Caleb Roberts-Joe Jonas
Sinead Kelly-Sarah Bolger


Le Fin.


Welcome to Planet Stupid!
This is where I rant and fume about stuff that annoys me.....
Mooshik?:Paramore,MUSE,Tokio Hotel,The Script,Coldplay,Linkin Park.
Eye Sex?:Resident Evil,Twilight,Cirque Du Freak
Loving:Robert Pattinson;I would.
Inspiration:Hayley Williams